By now I hope some of you have visited a couple of organic food stores and tried some of the products yourselves. Share your thoughts here or on our FB page. Did you taste a difference? Were you surprised at the range of products available? Did you enjoy the experience and the products or did you day, "not me and dis organic ting nah!"
One difference I am sure you noticed is the price. Yes, organic products pack a punch on our pockets. But, don't write off organics as 'unaffordable' just yet. It just might be cheaper in the long run. Here's how:

- Nutrient-Denser. Organic foods gives you more nutrients per gram than non-organic foods (State of Science Review, 2008).
- More energy. Most people report felling stronger, more energetic when consume organic foods. With no pesticides (poisons), synthetic chemicals or processed additives for your digestive system to deal with, your body is free to use the fuel (food) to nourish your body, so you feel more energised.
- Stronger immunity. Organic foods help to prevent both major and minor illnesses, which translates into less expenditure on medicines and doctor's bills. You are also less likely to miss work if your immune system is strong, able to fight off the viruses affecting the general public.
- Less Hungry. Since eating organic means you are filling up on nutrient-dense foods, you will feel more satisfied and your brain won't be telling your body, "I need more food... feed me... gimme more, anything... just fill me up!" like it does when you eat junk food.
- Buy Local at the Farmers' Market. See my previous blog on where to find Local Farmers' Markets.
- Home Grown. The cheapest route to access healthy, organic food. Learn how to do it at our upcoming workshop, Home Grown Organics, scheduled for November 20, 2016, 9am to 1pm.
The pesticides used on our foods have been linked to diseases such as breast, prostate cancers, ono-Hodgkins lymphoma, immune and endocrine disorders, Parkinsons, infertility, cardiac disease, hypertension and more.
Animal studies done on GM foods indicate changes to major organs and the gastrointestinal system.
I can hear you saying, ' we all have to die sometime,,, why not eat whatever I want?'
All I am saying is... it's all about the quality of our years... and even for those afflicted with dread diseases, embracing organic can turn their lives around. Here is
Johnny Gonsalves story , a true testimony to the healing power of organic food. That said, take another look at the price tag of organic food.