Thursday 26 January 2017

Organic Veg Box - A Bi-Weekly Wonder Box

I got my first Organic Veg Box yesterday and I was thrilled with the contents.  The  service deserves 5 stars! Kelly and the team from D' Market Movers do a great job in getting the boxes delivered to you at your convenience.  

Top Quality

The boxes of high quality organic produce are put together by ARCTT in the main, assisted by D' Market Movers;  deliveries are made directly to customers from Glencoe to Arima every two weeks and I can hardly wait to see what surprises await me in my next box...D' Market Movers always add a little extra, depending on the season, and...well.... with Carnival and Valentine's day approaching, my anticipation is building.

Great Service

This was my first experience with a local home-delivery service and I was impressed at the flexibility displayed as well at the apparent willingness to meet at my convenience.  After our initial email contact, Kelly had messaged me Wednesday morning to enquire whether I was still interested in the Organic Veg Box.  I was in Port of Spain attending a meeting that would be followed by another and could not say what time I would be in a position to link up.

Kelly was actually in town making deliveries at the time and agreed to make contact before she left town.  In any case she was heading to Barataria afterwards and  I had the option to stop by and pick up the box there, on my way home.  I ended up doing the latter, which worked out fine.

Local Dark Chocolate

I got to meet two other members of the team and learnt a bit more about what they do.  I learnt that they are affiliated with the Brasso Seco Chocolate Company and had the opportunity to purchase the 6 exciting flavors of dark chocolate available: 60% Original, 70% Premium,  Mocha, Espresso,  Dark Crunch and Sweet Crunch - the crunch comes from delicious, natural cocoa nibs.  But I digress. Talking about chocolate makes me crave it.  

Boxed Surprises 

So, what surprises did this box contain?

Grapefruits, lemons and portugals

a range of citrus, for the veg box

Peanutella made by rural women's group in Guyana

Winged beans....treat just as stringed beans, I was advised.

Grapefruits, winged beans and mint selected for
the Organic Veg Box

Assortment of banana relatives: plantains, green figs and silk figs

Silk, green, moko and plantains for the Organic Veg Box

Full contents of box:

A bunch of callaloo bush, 2 large dasheens, a large piece of couche couche that my mum instantly snapped up,  rough skin lemons, portugals ('puttigarls' in Trinispeak) some huge plantains, green figs  (Trinispeak for bananas), my all time favorite - silk figs, a large bag of sorrel, huge grapefruits, winged beans  (never saw these before but was advised to treat like string beans), curly endive lettuce, 1 bag of aromatics including chadon beni, mint and bay leaves, a bottle of peanutella made by a rural women's group in Guyana and last but by no means least, an awesome smelling cocoa ball.  

I know of using the cocoa balls to make hot cocoa but Kelly's advice was to grate over salads and other dishes.   

Contact Kelly and her team for excellent quality produce, top service and the time and effort saved by having the market come to you... Priceless!

Email : 
Instagram here : thenewruraltt
Phone: 493-4358