Saturday 5 May 2018

International Compost Awareness Week begins tomorrow May 6, 2018.

International Compost Awareness Week begins tomorrow May 6, 2018.

The pace of daily life can prevent us from carrying out our best intentions- like cooking healthy meals, making those smoothies chock full of vitamins, setting up our organic garden so we know they’re free of dangerous chemicals and composting our kitchen waste. 

Our family is away from home from 6 am to 6 pm - and that's on a good day.  Shuttling children to after school activities often means an even later return to the nest and the quickest dinner solution possible.  
My bucket of organic kitchen waste in freezer.

Challenging? Yes but as I learnt more about growing organic food it became clear that organic waste was necessary to produce healthy plants and it was readily available from my kitchen. So I was determined to find a way to return to the earth that which is hers.  

Inspired by ‘Kiss the Ground’  I came up with a 2-step solution that works for me.  The only tools required are a small container that can fit in the freezer and a garden hoe or shovel. A small effort that has already improved the quality of my soil and plants. 

In celebration of International Compost Awareness Week let's discuss  this important topic share our composting methods and tips on We Organic TT.